Thursday, January 3, 2013

When does Learning really begin?

Many teachers spend hours on lesson plans, but spend so much time calling roll, collecting homework, and correcting students that the strength of the lesson is lost and learning is hindered.   Focus must be changed to first minute engagement.  Quicker engagement will cause greater involvement and yield greater outcomes.


  1. Stephanie Martin, Jane St. Amand, Ana Olivares and Linda Hon are here at school

  2. Ok guys, lets gets started. Im sorry some of you ended up at school when I was trying to save you a trip

  3. We are having issues the first ten minutes and the last ten minutes of class and it has to do with student engagement.

  4. Talk to me.... What Are some of the issues that happen the first ten minutes of class time?

    1. Comming from a public school background, attendance, chit-chat, class announcements.

  5. Students take forever to actually sit down, get hw turned in and get ready for lecture.

  6. The first few minutes of class, students are late and I have to wait for all of them to have paper, pen or pencil and to settle down.

  7. It is difficult for students to realize that class begins when they enter the classroom.

  8. Teachers need to be present and taking roll the moment class begins. Many students are tardy because they have no reason to get to class on time.

  9. If the students dont have an immediate task they begin to talk and lose focus

  10. Well, in my class they have to be sitting down by the time class starts or they are late. I have a Question of the Day everyday. They pick it up on their way in the door, they sit and do it. they have 5 minutes to complete it (this gives me time to taker attendance and hand things back. After 5 minutes they turn it in and we start class. It actually works very well. They is little commotion and talking (they know they are not allowed to talk to each other for the QOD)

    1. I like this idea. I'm thinking of a having a quick draw. Having students sketch a quick image using skill learned from previous lessons.

  11. I am getting my kids engaged with different actiivties at the beginning of the day.
    I have also made it very routine so they know what expect when they come in. The end of the day is harder to keep them engaged.

  12. All of these commments are great

  13. The mentality has to change that class begins when they first enter the classroom. I agree with Jordan in giving them an immediate task.

  14. I have found that if i have a small activity to begin the class they settle down quicker rather than jumping into lecture first thing.

  15. I like Sarahs plan, but i know that doing the same thing every day, although it produces classroom control might not produced optimum gains

  16. My experience is similar with Ms. Galvez. A few students are late & then some aren't prepared with their materials for class.

  17. As far as elementary I have tried to make it as routine as possible. This helps with focus when they walk in.

  18. Yes. There is a "5 E" system that teachers learn in college and they use it locally in the public schools. The first part is ENGAGE. You have to engage the students first, and let the EXPLAIN for later. The students need to be focused and interested, and then youb have their attention for the remainder of the lesson

  19. I know our teachers at chapel know their content. My concern is that we get locked in to doing the same thing everyday. Mashed potatoes, green beans, and meat loaf apis a good healthy meal but we wouldnt be Ble to eat it daily

  20. For students who are unprepared, I have found (At least at the Jr. High level) if you take authority and start writing them up AND calling home when they do it---that behavior stops.

  21. I have started giving them warm ups that they have to.cut and paste and complete in a.journal that pertain to what they will learn that day. they love to cut and paste lol

  22. Feel free to comment at any point. Sorry about the misspeling of able my keyboard froze up!

  23. Even before giving an activity, we need to show the students that we are ready to start teaching. We need to stand in front of the classroom ready to begin lecture/activity/assignment.

  24. I think the the question or problem of the day is a great idea to start! I was thinking about starting something like that for journal writing....(sentence of the day)

  25. The biggest issue I have is students coming in late (with a pass) and their not having all of their supplies. Something is always "in my locker"
    My group concurs.

  26. For my sixth graders i give them a worksheet with easy mental math problems that stem from the past few lessons that we covered in order to keep things fresh in ttheir minds.

  27. We see the problems. How can we fix them. Lets address them one by one.

  28. I try to have some kind of vocabulary activity for the beginning of class, but I will usually begin instruction immediately, and require the students to get notes or whatever from one of the other students.

  29. We have a math activity the first ten minutes of class.

  30. Hey guys keep refreshing your page at the top where it says comments so you always have all the comments

  31. First five minutes of class I usually have my kids journal. There is always a question on the board, that usually settles them down.

  32. From my understanding, students are not allowed to go to their locker during class time. Deduct points from their grade should they come unprepared.

    1. Call parents on the second instance that this occurs. Get the parents involved.

  33. I stand outside my classroom to let students know how much time they have left before class starts. But if the bells would ring that would really help let them know they are late.

  34. our littles ones r already getting the routine of what is expected of them as they come into class remember our little ones r getting train n its exciting seening them do the right things as they get into class in the morning

  35. Settle Down: Make sure they know WHEN class beginsa. IF they are not seated in their seats and quiet AT THAT TIME, mark them late, lock the door, send them to the office.

  36. What we have to remember is that learning begins the moment students walk into your classroom. What you do the first couple of minutes lets students know how important your class iis to you.

  37. A question or problem of the day to start off with is a great way to get the students engaged as soon as they come in. But, we have to use variety. Don't do the same type of problem everyday. Mix it up. And as for students coming in late, we have to push for them to bring everything to class. Don't let them go get anything from their lockers once they've entered the classroom. They will learn eventually.

    1. I have had students that dont bring materials to class become very disruptive since they arent working. I have extra paper and pencils for those students. But if they dont bring their books they have to share with someone and then they talk instead of doing their work.

  38. As far as starting the day, I make sure to greet my students as they walk in and make eye contact with them, I believe this let's them know they are important and that I am watching them.
    As far as my students coming in late to class, try know when they are late, they must catch up to the rest of the class without disturbing

  39. I started cracking down hard counting tardies if students were not sitting and prepared by the bell and it seemed to help with 8th grade more than 6th

  40. I saw sarah do something i really liked. She had the markers and the laper for an activity so when it was time she had the supplies and students were able to do the assignment. Would that help?

    1. Having supplies ready lets the students know that we are here to work. Its saves classroom time looking for stuff.

  41. Students should know what the procedure is when they come in...I think strict punishments for not being ready for class has to be followed through.

  42. I think coming up with something new everyday is unrealistic as a teacher. But... Maybe coming up with a "bonus day" where you choose one day of the week (change it each week) where you do something completely different and hands-on would be fun. And you could make incentives for the.bonus day so.they come.on time? Just thinking outloud

  43. I agree Mrs wilcox, if we seem unprepared what motivation do they have to be prepared

  44. I could send an email for all students to bring notebook paper and pen to their Bible teachers

  45. as teachers we have to be prepared. EVERYTHING for that day's lesson needs to be ready to go. Paper, markers, paste...we need to know what they are doing and have it ready that way you cut down time in class that is wasted. In secondary they only have 45 minutes of each class. That is not very much, so we need to use the time to the greatest potential ALSO, if you do not have your supplies ready to go, then the kids will get off task and unfocused when it comes time for you to prepare those things for them. Constant control of the class is key!

  46. Paper and pens or markers can be there for the students, but many come to class without books and workbooks.

  47. My issue is a little different because I have to rely on the parents to bring their children in on time & to also bring in their materials

  48. I want us to see that an assignment or question of the day is controlling behavior but not stimulating higher level thinking skills. That is done in group dynamics figuring something out in which they dont have all the information they need and the have to cooperate and collaborate. That scares us

  49. I like Sara idea too...the way she starts class is very engaging I would like to try to change it up with something like that. The little ones need variety to keep their attention span focused on the task at hand.

  50. Keeping the students engaged will take a lot of planning and being prepared. But when we are prepared, the students will not have "down time" aka...teachers trying to get ready. We have to be proactive and not wait until the "day of" to make copies, etc.

  51. Pen and paper email would help

  52. I agree on having some kind of punishment for not being on time or not having supplies. It may work for elementary and junior high, however, at high school level they don't care about getting punished =( making it harder for high school teacher to deal with

    1. Unfortunately, I can see that being the case..:-(

    2. Do you think if students were engaged throughout the class that they would be less likely to come unprepared. I'm thinking that students who were engaged would want to fully participate.

  53. our group comment is: where is the balance between teaching responsiblity and giving assistance.

  54. Yes Bethany! It is our job as teachers to keep them engaged, so is it time consuming, yes, but we need to do it!!!! :-)

  55. I feel that there is way too much lecturing going on. Much more discovery learning needs to be taking place. It is scary for all of us

    1. Sudents like novel ideas. If it's something they havent' done before they'll be more likely to try something out. It becomes a balancing act with what intrigues our kids while making sure that all skills and knowlege are learned.

  56. MRS.Wilcox I know that I don't teach in the upper grades.But we here at JC have the pleasure of starting our day with prayer in class. Many of this students come to school without a prayer to their name.God tells us to start the day with Him and end the day with Him

    1. We pray everyday with my first class. Actually they don't let me teach until we pray and ask for prayer requests

    2. We always pray first period as well! My students have honestly admitted to me that when they pray in my class, it is the first time in the day they have connected with Christ.

  57. I saw sandras post about punishment. Make sure you turn those in. How about if we do some rubrics in secondary courses?

  58. I do lecture alot. But its because students dont read their books so they have no idea what the lesson is about. I do try to give them an activity after the lecture so that the lesson can be reinforced.

    1. I agree. I wonder if we are really get them ready for college. They just don't do it on their own.

  59. I have contemplated having group activities at the beginning but not sure if they would be appropriate if we are already having issues with the kids settling down

  60. Sometimes, having only 45 minutes to teach a lesson and assign homework or a project is challenging. We have to think outside the box and don't rely on lecturing to do all the teaching. We need to use more variety in our "teaching" time: Labs, class projects, etc.

  61. Would i be safe in assuming that it is a handful of students that dont show up with books?

    1. There are a handful of chronic offenders, but it can be as many as 30-50 percent on any given day.

  62. I have a rule in my classroom that each student is responsible for their actions, possesions and work. I do believe a teacher should assist in these things but with limits and even more so at a high school level. There needs to be a healthy balance between the two. I agree with the Hon group with the question "Where is the balance between these two?"

    1. Teaching responsibly at that age level is amazing! I love this :-)

  63. I always go group activities and they work at the Jr. High level AS LONG AS THE TEACHER IS WALKING AROUND. If you monitor students, they do as you ask. If you give them an activity and sit at your desk, no work will get done.

  64. In my classes it is the.same students

  65. Thanks Sandra for the consistent prayer, I always here about it from the kids.

  66. I have more of an issue with kids not bringing their spirals rather than text books and without a notebook they miss out on the teaching of problems and have nothing to look back on later

    1. This happens to me so much because all the answers to reviews or homework assignments are on their notes. So if they dont have their notebooks that day, they lose so much information and they dont have it for later.

  67. Make sure you document not having materials. I will have pastor Sip give these to me personally and after the third time I will send them home. Lets see if I can help you with this.

  68. I have the same students who don't bring their materials to class

  69. That will help for sure Mrs. Wilcox. Even just calling home has helped my students to "remember" to bring all their things.

    1. Getting parents involved is vital to a student's success. It may seem like MORE work calling a number of parents each time a students forgets their supplies (and it is), but we have to be proactive. Should students grades be marked down, we don't want parents calling us in a huff wondering why their studets are failing.

  70. I know I'm not in academics but is true that the kids don't care much about punishments, and even though the class I have is art, they don't want to do their assignments, they don't care the grade they get...(JH & HS)

    1. Have you checked the grading? I had this problem lat year with both Keyboarding and PE. So, I gave different assignments and projects in those classes. Then when the students who didn't want to do their work started to fail---they started to care. In PE we had lost of students not dressing, they got zeros for that day. After their grades dropped below A 70, they never "forgot" their clothes again! If they are not doing assignments but still passing class, then they wont be as likely to put their best foot forward.

  71. Rudy, Linda and the group with Linda, I understand about responsibility......its your call, I always had pens and pencils in my class because I chose not to fight that battle, if they didnt learn the material that day, the entire class suffered. I was just thimkimg that if we can eliminate frustration somewhere it would be good, but thats a teachers call. Just making suggestions

    1. yes I always have extra pens and pencils on my desk, the kids can take them whenever they need them..

  72. I also use "footnotes" on gradequick to indicate days that a student hasn't had materials in class.

  73. Another issue we need to address is that there not be free time at the end of class. Teach from bell to bell.

    1. I have puzzles, soduku, etc available for students who finish their work earlier. I think that giving more work after they are done may be a negative incentive for them to finish their work.

  74. Our group has also discussed a "conduct" grade.

  75. Walk around the classroom. Never sit at a desk with your head down. We have had some serious incidents this year.

  76. That is a great idea mrs hon. I have a ridiculous amount of parents that want me to contact them on a daily basis to let them know how their child behaved in class that day and it is just impossible. If I can add a note to their grade book that they can see like that I think that would help tremendously.

  77. at the beginning of the school year, me & Mrs. Ingram require each of our students to bring certain materials. This creates a community environment with materials. We go through the materials as year progresses. Maybe this could help with materials

  78. although I barely ever get to it, I always have an "extension" on my daily lesson plans. That way if my lesson ends early, I still have work for them to do. It works great (even if the extension is a journal reflection or a pop-quiz).

  79. I don't know about JH and HS, but I know if I am motivated, so are my kiddos. My first year at JCS I had 8th Science, and I remember giving them supplies to make a "airplane" using ballons, straws, and thread. I had them get into groups to have them figure it out, they had a blast, were motivated and learned by trial and error. When it was time to learn about weather, they had to make up a weather report, using the correct vocabulary with respect to types of clouds, so forth. I was motivated as were they.

  80. In elementary we can do that. In high schhol we cant because of the way our grades are set up fir GPA. Conduct cannot count towards or against GPA

    1. would this be the same as a participation grade?

  81. I never allow "free time" at the end of class but I will sometimes give them the last 10 minutes or 5 minutes to start on their homework if I'm done with the lecture. is that something that you would recommend I stop doing?

  82. I have noticed when I am up and walking around students stay focused and, of course, worried about what I am doing and if I am watching their work...I know its probably alot easier to send intimidation about recess to elementary than to intimidate the jh/hs students LOL!..but I do believe being up and moving is important and necessary.:-)

    1. Yes!!!! It is incredible how much "better" their work is when you are walking around watching them,, as opposed to when your not!

  83. I agree with Sarah. Always have something "extra" for them to do.

    1. I always have something for students to do after lesson. Its just some students chose not to do it. They rather talk. Or they just dont care to do the assignment.

  84. Sarah, i like your extention plan. only.for the students that finish early? I never have the whole group finish at once

    1. I agree....I always have my fast ones...I need some suggestions and keeping my smart fast ones busy becasue after they finish they become a distraction!

    2. You can match a fast one uo with a slow one like a mentoring system. Have them work together and take turns explaining, reading, writing....things like that!

  85. Sarah has a great idea. Especially for the students that work faster than others. Having addition enrichment activities will help give the students reinforcement of the lesson.

  86. Secondary teachers. Josh B, Josh H. And Rudy we need to make a schedule for you guys to take turns monitoring the boys bathroom/lunchroom during passing periods and the ladies need to take turns monitoring by Lindas portable and on the Deck

  87. Jordan, I normally do not have students finish before other students because most of my plans are group work so all groups are usually pretty equally combined, or we are progressing through the lesson as a class. However, days that students finish before others, yes, I will have just those students write a reflection or draw an example in the notebooks...something likes that.

    1. Great idea! I can even use this in my class. Is your extension or enrichment part of the current lesson or does it move on to the next lesson?

    2. It always enriches the current lesson. :-)

    3. ok I am going to add that to my lesson plan...great idea thank you for sharing! I have been struggling with that I have three fast ones that are super fast and super smart!!

  88. Doing homework is great just make sure they are doing homework

    1. Ok so homeowrk time at the end of the day is ok? My students and parents have appreciated the study hall time Miss Castanon and I have been giving them....

    2. Yes they have appreciated it! The kids are learning to be responsible with their time.

    3. I have also found the giving them a little bit of time to work on their homework help them to look through it and ask any questions if necessary. That way they dont get home and have questions and are totally lost.

    4. I think some students prefer to do their work in class than taking it home for homework.

    5. PLUS---when they take workl home it is less likely to wever come back!

  89. I usually stand at my door on the deck between my classes

  90. If you look on the main blog page you will notice that I posted some URL of some educational journals dealing with student engagement. I would like for each of you to look over at least one of the articles. I also want to challenge you to do one new student engagement activity a week the rest of this year. It doesnt have to have anything to do with the lesson, iy just has to engage the students cognitively.

  91. Is that something you want us to do right now. There are six of us on one computer. :)

  92. Another reason I wanted to do this blog is to maybe challenge you all to set up a blog for your class. Maybe your studebts can help each other with their homeworrk, or comment on a project, or whatever. I think it would be a really ,fun thing to do. By the way, let me take this oportunity to welcome our new art teacher, Mr Nick Castañpon, and thank Carla for all she has done for us. We could not have made it without her!

    1. welcome Nick! and thank you Mrs Wilcox...God bless you! :)

    2. Welcome to our family Nick!!! Thank you Karla for you have done my kids loved art with you!!

    3. Welcome brother! And yes! Thank you Carla for everything!

  93. Last semester i covered a lesson everyday even on fridays after a quiz. I think this semester i will use fridays for quiz /activity day.

  94. No, Linda, just sometime soon.

  95. I'm sorry my IPad doesnt spell real well, I'm sure Linda is about to have a heart attack. I'm sorry my precious friend! :)

  96. Replies
    1. no...thank you made me feel part of the JCS fam...

  97. Also, remember that if we ever have a snow day we will have virtual schoo, so we might have to be a available via a blog like this that would be called Jesus Chapel Virtual School so what do yoi think?

    1. Kids today are making leaps and bounds in technology. We've gotta keep up with them while they are plugged in. We have to be just as saavy as they are. *Side note: Make sure all have internet access.

  98. The staff will have this virtual school, or the entire school will have it? Not sure if all households have internet...

  99. Will it be for each class? Would we teach our lessons this way?

  100. We send out all report cards by email

  101. We wont teach classes. We will posr assignments and be available on a blogg for 2 or 3 hrs

  102. I have assigned things that students need internet for and they have told me they have no access. I have had some parents even verify that they do not have internet in the households, just at parents work places.

    1. Alot of students and parents use internet on their phones.

    2. I have had several parents tell me the same sarah. They get their emmails at work.

  103. Im sure most of you heard that Pastor Rochelle Neiman of Abundant Living Faith Center (Faith Christian School) passed away. Please keep the family and ministry in your prayers.

    1. yes I have been prayers go our to all of them

  104. Sarah, they can access assignments from smart phones. They just can do research from them.

  105. Will do Mrs. Wilcox. Love you all! See you on Monday!!! :-) Enjoy the rest of your vacation! :-)

  106. The purpose of the virtual school is so that noone has to go anywhere. Many teachers dont have video access on computers or phones. And many students dont either but a blog can be accessed from even a phone

  107. Nick, no phone on campus. Too many issues

  108. See you Monday. Have a blessed new year!

  109. To the greatest staff in the world, I love you. Be safe. See you Monday.

    1. Love u too! Thank you for all you do for all of us! You are truly a blessing to all of us!

    2. Thanks Mrs. Wilcox! Have a great weekend

  110. Love you Mrs. Wilcox. You're the best! See you Monday.

  111. Have a great day, enjoy the snow!
